MJ Therapy


The real cost of a mobile phone?
I spend much time each week talking with my clients about phone, computer, console, laptop, collectively let's say 'device' use/time.  Such devices which can massively enhance our day to day life, enhance our work and leisure times and provide a sense of enjoyment.  But, are now too regularly, seeming to impact us negatively. I am […]
Managing a to-do list – effectively!
A slave to your to-do list?  Is it all feeling too much?  Feeling useless, drowning in work? To-do lists are supposed to help us right, but too often I discuss them in therapy when they have become the opposite, unhelpful and de-motivating.  Often causing feelings of pro-crastination and failure.  The reality therefore, and paradoxically, that […]
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Counselling in Doncaster, South Yorkshire and Online

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