MJ Therapy


The real cost of a mobile phone?

I spend much time each week talking with my clients about phone, computer, console, laptop, collectively let's say 'device' use/time.  Such devices which can massively enhance our day to day life, enhance our work and leisure times and provide a sense of enjoyment.  But, are now too regularly, seeming to impact us negatively.

I am seeing that frequently devices are causing detrimental effects on individuals, relationships and within families.  The reason is simple................overuse.  Dare I say it turning into an 'addiction' for many of us.  I am more than aware of that feeling, 'I'll just have a look at that thing, I wonder if person X has read my message, I want to catch up on social media and the news'.  I too have a strong sense of how important it is I manage my time on my devices carefully.  If not, I know it can impact me and my relationships negatively.  Clients describe to me the harmful effects overuse of their device has caused.  This was never intended but the urge to be on it has got way out of line!

Common detrimental effects of overuse of digital devices are;

  1. Heightened anxiety
  2. Over stimulation
  3. Inability to sleep
  4. Normalizing content which is not 'normal'
  5. Relationships becoming distant and breaking down
  6. Losing touch with our reality and the people around us
  7. Driving illegally and in an unsafe way

Please know that all the above can be mitigated against with careful, controlled and measured use.  Setting boundaries is the key.

If you have connected with the information contained here and wish to discuss how is maybe affecting you please do get in touch.  My next blog will focus on how to maintain positive relationships with our digital devices and in turn how this will keep you and the people around you well.

For now then, surf mindfully!


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